Tuesday, November 19, 2019

INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROPOSAL Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

INFORMATION SYSTEMS PROPOSAL - Assignment Example This helps to ensure that orders from customers are hence met in due period, and that the shareholders and the suppliers are settled and hence can make their payments by following proper procedures. Hence, the transaction-processing arena has now grown and become a very important aspect of better commercial management. The term enterprise resource planning also summarised as ERP, is that process or aspect which tries to merge all of a firm’s departments, objectives and the various functions, into one existing computer system. This also services every department’s requirements by virtue of being specific. It merges by bringing together persons, software and the crucial hardware, into an effective service and an efficient delivery and production system. This hence generates profit for the firm (Peter, 1992). Even though this idea has the ease to be explained theoretically, its truth has been of a varied nature. Most firms do conglomerate varied systems and processes for meeting their own requirements. Office automation system does refer to the different machinery of a computer and its software that is utilised to make, make a collection, store, carry out manipulation of data, and finally convey office information required for the purpose of finishing tasks and objectives that are of a basic nature (Peter, 1992). For example, storing data in raw form, transferring electronically, and the prior managing of e-commerce information, does constitute the activities that relates to office automation system The term management information systems, is a set of commands and procedures that carries out the function of collecting, processing, storing and conveying the vital information to the support part of decision making and the control system. Mostly, information systems do appear to be of a formal nature that is only involved in playing the integral task in firms. Although these systems are

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